Sábado, 3 de Junho de 2006

Divagations about love

When a man says to a woman “I love you” may be he loves her and may be not. But, when a man says to a woman “I do love you” and he really loves her, day after day the word becomes so smaller to represent his emotion that soon it will become useless and another word must be invented to do it well.

So many crimes have been committed on behalf of those few words that I think they probably are some of the most dangerous words to be pronounced since the begin of the life on earth.

It is easy to love as to do it not. Being loved or not being loved it makes us to be so happy or so miserable that is only on those occasions we really feel the meaning of life and at the same time what it really means to be confident and afraid of the future. Love may represent the heaven and the hell not exactly at the same moment but mostly at the same time.

Personally I think that all kind of human emotions are represented in love. Freud would say that sexuality is the main reason for love but I think that love is the main reason for sexuality.

Spirit and matter they must form a real cocktail and be very well mixed to allow anybody to properly speak about love. They will have not many occasions to explain their real meanings than when applied to real and concrete loving situations.

Most of the representations of concepts that a man is able to do are round, spherical or made in circles. Considering that we may execute the graphic representation of the human basic feelings and its development as one circle, that is why we can say that the hate is so near to the love: - the extremes touch each other. Passion can be considered an extreme love or an extreme hate: that is why it kills so often.

Text corrected by a passion of love...

Divagations about love

When a man says to a woman “I love you” maybe he loves her and maybe not. But, when a man says to a woman “I do love you” and he really loves her, day after day the word becomes to small to represent his emotion; soon it will become useless and another word must be invented to do it well.

So many crimes have been committed on behalf of those few words that I think they 're probably some of the most dangerous words to be pronounced since the begining of life on earth.

It is easy to love as it is not to. Being loved or not being loved, makes us so happy or so miserable that it is only on those occasions we really feel the meaning of life and at the same time what it really means to be confident and afraid of the future. Love may represent heaven or hell ,not exactly at the same moment but mostly at the same time.

Personally I think that all kinds of human emotions are represented in love. Freud would say that sexuality is the main reason for love but I think that love is the main reason for sexuality.

Spirit and matter must form a real cocktail and be very well mixed to allow anybody to properly speak about love. They will not have many occasions to explain their real meaning until applied to real and concrete loving situations.

Most of the representations of concepts that a man is able to do are round, spherical or made in circles. Considering that we may execute the graphic representation of human basic feelings and its development as one circle, that is why we can say that hate is so close to love: - extremes touch each other. Passion can be considered an extreme love or an extreme hate: that is why it kills so often.

publicado por Júlio Moreno às 18:49
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2 comentários:
De I myself a 5 de Junho de 2006 às 21:28
I’ve heard about that lovely story and, as general Paton said once: “I was there… yes, I was there!...”

De bibiana a 5 de Junho de 2006 às 03:07
Once upon a time, many centuries ago, there was a lovely young woman who lived in the town now known as Silves. One day, the peaceful routine of her village was interrupted by the sound of galloping horses. Panic struck the population. People were running in all directions and the air was filled with shrieks of terror. Soon a dense cloud of dust enveloped her. Still holding on to the rope that held her water pail deep in the well she was frozen with terror. When the cloud of dust dissipated she saw his image against the sun. His horse slowed its gallop, as he circled around her. His white robes flew in the breeze when she saw him bending down to scoop her. His face was mostly covered by white fabric that seemed to be part of his turban. The only thing she could see, were his steel blue/gray eyes. She tried to scream but no sound came out of her mouth. For a long, long time, she cried for her family, for her village. He tried day after day to soothe her and showered her with kindness. The village had been destroyed by his warriors; he wished he could change the past for he deeply loved her and couldn't bear being the cause of her anguish. Several years passed. Slowly the lovely young woman fell in love with her captor who worshiped her. On his deathbed, he promised her he would love her till the end of time. Death could not separate them. And so it has been for centuries. They find each other time after time and continue to love one another. A love that will never end...

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